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Optical illusions LIVE — Everyone can see the tree – but only the top 1% can find the 10 faces hiding in its branches

HERE is a great way to test your brainpower.

An optical illusion involving one tree is all the rage on the internet - but can you spot all of the hidden faces? If you can, you're in the top 1%.

Get ready for a challenge and try finding all of them in less than 10 seconds.

Struggling to find all 10 faces? You can find the answers here.

Read our optical illusion live blog below for the latest news and updates...


  • Your brain won’t let you see this

    Believe it or not, there are four hands in the picture, below.

    At first glance, there appear to be three outstretched arms, but look closer and there are four bottles.

    Look again at the bottles and you might make out a blue woolly glove.

    But where is the arm?

    The truth dawns when you finally see the camouflage-patterned sleeve running from the left of the picture.

  • Rick rolling illusion

    In a video posted on TikTok, @HecticNick shared what appears to be a painting of a house – but everything changes if you take another look.

    “This picture is not what you think it is,” he said.

    When looking directly at the image, he said: “It looks like a pretty normal painting.”

    But once you turn your phone to the left, you’ll see an image of Rick Astley, in his suit from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up.

    This music video has been frequently used for memes, and its surprise appearance online has earned the name Rick Roll.

    “Once you see it, you can’t unsee it,” said HecticNick.

  • Can you figure out this picture?

    Once you work out what’s going on in this brain-melting picture, you can’t unsee it.

    “This picture is not what you think it is,” TikToker Pasillusion revealed to his followers.

    Although it looks like a satellite shot of a ship sailing on the ocean, the image actually just shows a leather couch with a rip in it.

  • How many triangles do you see?

    Only one percent of the population can spot all of the triangles in this mind-bending illusion, according to a viral TikTok by a user called Hectic Nick.

    Nick shared the illusion and it quickly went viral, racking up 1.6million views and more than 135k comments.

    “It sounds simple, but it’s not easy,” he teased. The large, primary triangle was immediately apparent, as were some smaller triangles toward the top, but the rest of the image is filled with other shapes.

    The number of triangles contained in the image is 18.

    If you struggle to count them all, treat the lines in the image as a grid, and construct triangles of varying sizes row by row and column by column.

  • Grey and white staircase controversy

    The heavily debated illusion was posted on Reddit, challenging users to say what they saw – either a white staircase with a grey wall or a grey staircase with a white wall.

    If you can only see the white staircase, try flipping the picture over. Likewise, if you can only see a grey staircase.

  • Can you spot the pumpkin?

    A new brainteaser has stumped even the most eagle-eyed puzzlers.

    Can you spot the pumpkin hiding among the turkeys?

    Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudás, who is better known as Dudolf, created the infuriating optical illusion to mark Thanksgiving.

    He shared the challenge on Facebook, where he has over 168,000 followers eagerly anticipating each of his artwork.

    Credit: Gergely Dudás
  • Only eagle-eyed players can spot the mouse hiding among the squirrels

    Only the most eagle-eyed players can spot the mouse hiding among the squirrels.

    And if you really want a challenge, try and do it in 20 seconds or less.

    Find the answer here.

  • Can you spot the sneaky dog hiding among the sheep?

    It's said only those with a high IQ can spot the dog hidden among this flock of sheep.

    Are you going to give it a try, or are you too sheepish? Only time wool tell!

    Check if you got the correct answer at this link.

  • What did you see first? (2/2)

    If you noticed the old couple in the picture first, you take a larger look at life. You don’t like getting stuck with details, making you a natural leader.

    If however, you spotted the three people first, your attention to detail is impeccable. You prefer knowing things in depth rather than superficially.

  • What type of person are you? Take the test … (1)

    What you see in this image can determine what your main personality trait is – and the answer might surprise you.

    There are five total faces hidden in the mind-boggling image: two people in the faces of the older couple, one playing guitar, and a woman in the background behind the guitar player.

  • Can you spot the turkey in this Thanksgiving illusion?

    Thanksgiving might be over but there's still time to try out this festive optical illusion.

    Microsoft Bing posted the labyrinth of a photograph to their social media account, asking followers to find the tasty centerpiece.

    "Can you spot the turkey?" Bing asked, accompanied by a picture of various Thanksgiving-themed items scattered around a table.

    The picture included fall favorites like pies, apples, pumpkins, and cozy hats.

  • Can you spot the hidden kitties?

    Cats are masters at finding the best hiding spots, but can you spot the two in this picture?

    The feline friends, Max and Emma, are sneakily tucked in and around the flower pots in the real-life brain teaser.

    If you really want to test your brain, try to spot them in less than a minute.

    Follow this link to see if you got the answer!

  • Can you spot the Brussels sprout?

    Can you spot the Brussels sprout among the Christmas trees?

    Online casino games website VSO designed the mindboggling brainteaser to get revellers in the festive spirit. 

    The infuriating seek-and-find challenge has a random Brussels sprout strategically placed among the nicely decorated Christmas trees.

    Head over to this link to see if you got the answer right.

    Credit: VSO
  • Reveal the bigger picture

    This optical illusion is about to challenge everything we thought we knew about ourselves.

    If you see a crocodile in this photo, you’re a “business creative,” meaning you can easily adapt to changes.

    If you saw an island, you’re more of a “go-to” person, which means you’re a natural leader and good with people.

    If you can easily see both, you like to look at the big picture rather than focus on small details.

  • Can you spot the £20 note in this festive scene?

    It's the most wonderful time of the year, so why not try this Christmas-themed optical illusion?

    Somewhere hidden in this snap is a £20 note and only eagle-eyed players will be able to spot it in under a minute.

    Follow this link for the answer.

  • Can you see the hidden reindeer? You only have nine seconds!

    It's Christmas time so why not try out this holiday-themed optical illusion?

    When you first glance at the image you might notice a few dogs hidden amongst the festive scene.

    But these are easy to find - the real challenge is locating the reindeer.

    And the festive challenge might mean you have 20/20 vision if you can find him in just nine seconds.

    Follow this link to see the answer.

  • Can you find all eight animals?

    This woodland scene might seem like a peaceful treeline, but it’s more than that.

    There are eight animals, of all sizes, hidden in the brain-boggling image.

    You might be able to spot one or two of the animals right away, especially if you’re looking for specific body parts.

    For example, there are two animals in the centre, and you can see them easily if you’re on the hunt for their snouts.

  • Only the top 1% can find the hidden face in this optical illusion

    Test your IQ and observation skills by trying to find the face hidden in this picture of a dog.

    Experts claim only the top 1% can spot the hidden face...

    And if you want an even bigger challenge, try to find the hidden figure in nine seconds!

    Credit: India Times
  • Seeing one face is simple - but can you spot the second?

    Everyone can spot the lady in this picture, but can you see the second face hiding in plain sight?

    Let us know if you can!

    Credit: Igor Lysenko
  • Counting all 11 people in this winter scene is easy - but can you see the car?

    A viral optical illusion has left people scratching their heads as they try to find the car in this incredible optical illusion.

    If you can see the cheeky motor hidden within the snowy winter scene in a super fast time you have ultimate 20/20 vision and an expert driving IQ.

    Credit: highlights for Children
  • Love hurts

    If you’re struggling in your love life, this optical illusion may reveal why.

    What you see first in the mystical painting by artist Oleg Shupliak will tell you exactly what you’re fearing.

    If you saw a man’s face, that means your focus and enthusiasm make you a pleasure to be around. You live for the moment and once each day is done, you pack it away forever and start the next afresh, which is the only way to feel free, in your opinion.

    If you saw the boy, you’re probably a jubilant and wistful person at heart and love being around people.

    You don’t like being the center of attention but you also can’t go without being in a crowd of familiar faces. But what you hide in relationships is a fear of being a grown-up.

  • Can you figure out this picture?

    Once you work out what’s going on in this brain-melting picture, you can’t unsee it.

    “This picture is not what you think it is,” TikToker Pasillusion revealed to his followers.

    Although it looks like a satellite shot of a ship sailing on the ocean, the image actually just shows a leather couch with a rip in it.

  • Grey and white staircase controversy

    The heavily debated illusion was posted on Reddit, challenging users to say what they saw – either a white staircase with a grey wall or a grey staircase with a white wall.

    If you can only see the white staircase, try flipping the picture over. Likewise, if you can only see a grey staircase.

  • What is an optical illusion?

    An optical illusion is a visual illusion that is created by the visual system and is defined by a visual perception that differs from reality.

  • Experts praise brainteasers like these challenges

    Experts at FreshersLive named several benefits of solving brainteasers like the ones on this page.

    These include mental stimulation, improved memory, enhanced problem-solving skills, reduced stress, improved mood, and increased productivity.

    Overall, brain teasers are a great way to keep your mind sharp and engaged, and they can provide a variety of mental and emotional benefits.
