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I donate the Christmas presents my mother-in-law gives my kids, she’s raging but I have my reasons

People suggested a way to give her in-laws a taste of their own medicine

A MOM has revealed why she donates the toys her in-laws gift her children every holiday.

She explained her in-laws frequently went overboard and although their intentions are good, they are not always necessary.

A mom explained why she donated half of the toys her in-laws gave her children every Christmas
A mom explained why she donated half of the toys her in-laws gave her children every ChristmasCredit: Getty

The anonymous Redditor u/HideTheCandies shared her dilemma on a forum.

She explained that her mother-in-law had threatened her with zero Christmas gifts in the future for her children if she kept donating half.

The mom, however, felt the request was unreasonable.

She explained that every year, her in-laws enjoyed going "overboard" with gifts for their grandkids.

"I like to declutter the kids' toys in November just to make things easier. The in-laws don't like this at all and will buy extra presents to make up for it," she explained.

The mom added that whether or not the kids spent the holiday with their in-laws, their gifted toys ended up going to charity.

"They don't even play with half of them and three months later we end up donating them anyway," she explained.

The mom noticed her in-laws tended to be overzealous in their generosity.

"Any time we've had a baby they buy expensive equipment and say 'Oh just use it, It'll help with (whatever explanation they have).'"

Instead of being able to use the equipment, the mom explained they usually donated the materials to family or friends with a baby.

Her problem intensified when her mother-in-law called her and informed her that they "hate" when they give away their gifts.

"I told them they have been told every year our limit and not buy something we already have," the mom said.

"So they have decided our kids don't deserve presents from them then. I've told her that's their choice, not mine."

People took to the comments to share their sympathies on the situation.

"My MIL and stepmom also go way overboard, so I feel you," said one commenter.

"I've managed to steer them toward more art and science stuff rather than just plastic toys that pile up, but it took a few years."

Others offered similar suggestions for better gifts that would be more useful.

"Ask them to contribute to a savings account, college fund, bonds, anything is better than gifts you don't need or want," said another.

A few offered up advice that might help her in-laws see the error of their ways.

"Instead of donating, store them at the in-laws house," said one commenter.

"When their home is cluttered and overflowing with toys because they go overboard, get offended when they get rid of any."
